Queueing Network Demo
This applet allows you to build different kind of queueing networks from the basic building blocks. Blocks can be moved around in the plane, rotated and connected arbitrarily to construct even quite complex queueing networks.
With middle button (both buttons?) you get a popup view from most nodes where certain parameters can be adjusted.
The building blocks are:
- Source generates customers. Finite source keeps certain number of customers out, so customers must return in order to customers be output later on. Other sources are defined by i.i.d interarrival time and service time distributions, i.e. M/M, M/D, D/M and D/D, where M stands for the exponential distribution (Poisson arrivals) and D for a constant value.
- Processor (or server) node processes given amount of work and then outputs customer (and draws new random amount of work). There is always a finite number of waiting places. User definable parameter are number of servers, number of waiting places and speed of one server. Also the overflow stream can be directed to another node.
- Delay is simple fixed delay line and its purpose is merely to visualize the system behaviour.
- Splitter is a node which randomly routes the customer to either output. Probability of choosing outputs is user editable.
- Duplicator duplicates the input as it is to both outputs. Handy element when you want to compare two alternative models with the same input.
From the choicelist on the right you can choose some predefined examples.
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Esa Hyytiä, 2001. |