I am a Professor at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Iceland. I am also a visiting professor and docent at Aalto University.
My research interests include performance analysis and optimization of (large-scale) parallel server systems, that emerge, e.g., in the context of cloud computing and Big Data (cf. MapReduce and job replication). In particular, I am interested in developing means to optimize dispatching, scheduling and server control policies in order to minimize (non-linear) cost structures. Additionally, I am interested in performance modeling of opportunistic networking and wireless networking in general, including mobility, routing and coding (e.g., fountain and network coding). I am also interested in data traffic measurements in the context of cyber security. See more here.
During the last years, I have taught a course on Internet-of-Things (IoT) focusing on programming and IoT networking, and lectured Nonlinear Optimization, Performance Analysis of Computer Systems, Software Development A, and Formal Languages and Computability courses in University of Iceland.
In 2023, we started the new joint MS degree in Cyber Security together with Reykjavik University. I will organize a course on network traffic measurements and analysis in collaboration with Aalto University Department of Information and Communication Engineering.
2024 Events
- Visiting Prof. Rhonda Righter, at the IEOR department of UC Berkeley (March 2024).
- Our paper,
Towards the Optimal Dynamic Size-aware Dispatching
co-authored with
Rhonda Righter,
is accepted for publication in
Performance Evaluation.
Download a copy from here!
- See also our related technical report and online material formulating the dynamic decision making problem and illustrating corresponding optimal policies.
2023 Events
- I gave an invited talk at INFORMS APS 2023 (Nancy, France) on optimal and sequential dispatching policies. (slides)
- Serving as a TPC member for the ITC35 conference (Turin, Italy), and ValueTools 2023 (Crete, Greece).
2022 Events
- I was co-TPC chair of the ValueTools 2022 conference, and served as a TPC member for the ITC34 conference.
- Our paper, Routing with too much information?, appeared in the Queueing Systems journal. (Joint-work with P. Jacko and R. Righter.)
- Our paper, Performance Degradation in Parallel-Server Systems with Shared Resources and Lack of Coordination, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, appeared in Performance Evaluation, vol. 153, 2022.
- Our paper, On Sequential Dispatching Policies, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, will appear in ITNAC'22 conference.
2021 Events
- Our paper, Dynamic Routing Problems with Delayed Information, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, will appear in ValueTools 2021 conference.
- Serving as a TPC member for IEEE Infocom 2021 and ITC33 conferences.
2020 Events
- Two of our papers appeared in ITC'32 conference, which unfortunately was held online. First paper (co-authored with Jorma Virtamo and Rhonda Righter) studies the optimal admission problem to a server (system) subject to general class-specific cost structure. Second paper (co-authored with Rhonda Righter) studies scalable multi-level dispatchers.
- Our paper, Performance Degradation in Parallel-Server Systems with Shared Resources, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, will appear in ValueTools 2020 conference.
- Participating COST RECODIS meeting held in Gdansk, Poland. (February 5, 2020).
- Our paper, On Value Functions for FCFS Queues with Batch Arrivals and General Cost Structures, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, Jorma Virtamo, and Lauri Viitasaari, is accepted for publication in Performance Evaluation. Click here for a copy.
- Serving as a TPC member for ITC'32 and IEEE Infocom workshop on Big Data and Cloud Performance.
2019 Events
- I am on research sabbatical during the spring term.
- Our paper, A little redundancy goes a long way: Convexity in redundancy systems, co-authored with Kristen Gardner and Rhonda Righter, appeared in Performance Evaluation, vol. 131, 2019.
- Our paper, Simulation and performance evaluation of mission critical dispatching systems co-authored with Rhonda Righter, appeared in Performance Evaluation.
- A paper with the title Last in Line was published in Operations Research Letters. (not to be confused with a pop song with the same title!)
- Our paper, Controlling Queues with Constant Interarrival Times, co-authored with G. Magnusson and Rhonda Righter, appeared in 31st International Teletraffic Congress (ITC'31), 2019, Budapest, Hungary. In 2020, ITC will return to Japan: ITC'32 will be held in Osaka (CFP).
- Our paper, Towards Designing Cost-Optimal Policies to Utilize IaaS Clouds with Online Learning, co-authored with X. Wu and P. Loiseau, appeared in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
2018 Events
- Our paper, Practical Opportunistic Content Dissemination Performance in Dense Network Segments, co-authored with T. Kärkkäinen, M. Välimaa, S. K. Roy, and J. Ott, appeared in Computer Communications, vol. 123, pp. 65-80, 2018.
- Our paper, Evaluating Rare Events in Mission Critical Dispatching Systems, co-authored with Rhonda Righter, will appear in the 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC'30), 2018, Vienna, Austria.
- Our paper, Applying Reinforcement Learning to Basic Routing Problem, co-authored with Sigurður Gauti Samúelsson, appears in 13th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2018), 2018, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Our paper, Dynamic Control of Running Servers, co-authored with Doug Down, Pasi Lassila and Samuli Aalto, will appear in the 19th International GI/ITG Conference on "Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB). (Feb 2018)