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Dispatching Problem: Optimal Policy

  • Model:
    • Identical FCFS servers and i.i.d. distributed service times
    • Size-aware setting: service time of the new job and the backlogs are known
    • Objective is the minimize the mean response time
  • Optimal actions:
    • Optimal actions can be derived numerically in the MDP framework.
    • Figure on the right illustrates the optimal dispatching actions for a two server system.
    • The green color means a job is routed to the shorter queue in the given state.
    • The red color means that a job will find itself in the longer queue!
  • Observations:
    • Very short jobs are always assigned to the shorter queue (makes sense!)
    • The shorter queue is preferred also when the system is sufficiently empty (for all jobs)
    • The naïve greedy policy (LWL) would choose the shorter queue for every job, but that is not optimal!
    • Actions are very similar to those of the lookahead policy.

Move the mouse pointer over the figure to see how the optimal policy looks with different system parameters!

Backlog in server 2
Backlog in server 1
Load ρ: 0.50
Job size:  0.0


[1] E. Hyytiä and R. Righter, On Dynamic Size-aware Dispatching and Computation of the Optimal Actions, 2023, submitted.
[2] E. Hyytiä, P. Jacko and R. Righter, Routing with too much information?, Queueing Systems, vol. 100, pp. 441-443, 2022. (pdf)
[3] E. Hyytiä and R. Righter, On Sequential Dispatching Policies, in 32nd International Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference (ITNAC'22), 2022, Wellington, New Zealand. (pdf)
[4] E. Hyytiä, Lookahead Actions in Dispatching to Parallel Queues, in 31st International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurement and Evaluation (IFIP Performance 2013), September 2013, Vienna, Austria. (pdf)
[5] E. Hyytiä, Optimal Routing of Fixed Size Jobs to Two Parallel Servers, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 2013.